You know that even if you've made so many mistakes in your life, even if you have problems and difficulties where you feel you've hit bottom, where you felt completely on your own, where your problems with your partner or family will collapse, which will block your economic problems and not find out where they sometimes feel that no one loves you and you need affection and love, where you feel grief and loneliness, where you feel less than anyone else, where you feel you do not give more ......
There is someone who really loves you and wants to give you peace, courage, strength, love and everything that you need in your life ..........
Just give it a chance to enter your heart and in your life and that is GOD, discover how to do it here .........
Take the opportunity to organize your life, just wait and find out as soon .....
wait to find coming soon ...........
Press on more info ...
Ok here we go ....
First you must learn four important aspects that will take you understand the path you must take, which we call the four keys of spiritual life ....
Today we'll talk about the first one, which we call ... GOD loves you and wants to give you a life with purpose.
God love you
This is not to say more, that God's mercy is so great that no matter what mistakes you made in your life you find, he loves you and is waiting for you to give a look and begin to open your heart to him.
So much so I did not mind sending his beloved Son Jesus Christ, and the pain of father saw him suffer, mourn, witness insulted him, so buffeted, spit him, scourge him, he judged, crucified, and a ground and see on the cross for our sins, so that we all eternal life at his side.
You must understand something very important, that God loves you and you make mistakes, but he is bothered by sin.
Now you understand what kind of father you.
In the Bible in John chapter 3, verse 16 says, why God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Want more proof .....
That's all for today, we will soon see the second key, which we call ... Sin separates man from God ...
See you soon ...
If in doubt leave a message ..
Well, here we go with the second installment ...
First of all ...
! GOD bless you all ¡
Our second key will call
!!! Sin separates man from God ¡¡¡
What does this mean?
It means that even though God loves us and make mistakes (sins), not to say forgive us and nothing more.
I'll explain better, God wants us to be with Him in His kingdom and we are waiting,
but because we are daily making mistakes before Him sins these faults or what they do, is to open a huge gap or chasm between himself and sinners, and every time we open a repeating more and more, and that road will more and more away.
Look at this picture follows ...
Sinful man is on this side, and God is the other, and has only this bridge to get to him, but for all the sins he commits, the path is collapsed and increasingly more collapses each, when you believe that God will hear your prayers, your prayers, your needs.
Because of this you wonder why God does not listen.
For that you remember and that you consider makin error or sin, look this ...
1.No Gods before Me: Remember that God is only one and is the one you love with all your heart above all.
2. You shall not make statue or similar image of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth: What does this mean? this is called idolatry, and we should not be shining or pictures or statues or crucifixes, or figures that God is not there, and what more the Lord abhors is idolatry, or if you look at the Bible from the beginning until the end, what more is God dislikes idolatry.
not forget that idolatry is not only worshiping images or figures, but also when we give the first place before God, circumstances, problems, people, such as when you have a pair which hurts or humiliates you, or hit you , or puts you on the floor, or is cheating, does not respect you and you're still there, waiting for some day change, because the love you have is bigger than you and God, there is the example.
3.Not take the name of thy God in vain: How so? So we should not be swearing by God for anything, eg when you're talking to someone and you make, you begin to say, I swear to God, this is what you should not do.
4.Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long: it means that you respect your parents, yet you think you are not the best, and have many flaws.
6.Not commit adultery: This for many is difficult, you should not have sex with other people before marriage, during marriage and only with your partner, and I think that is where we have failed.
7.Not steal: This is where most falls, because who seeing the opportunity, does not take a pencil, a note from Mom or Dad, who at school not bring a pen or an eraser, who are sometimes not keeps the returned when the delivered badly, who when he is sent to buy something, keeps part of the change, who when you borrow something, it is crazy and does not return, and so give me examples where placing day falls in this sin.
8.You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor: be careful with getting into gossip and talk about other things that are not, that upsets me, or is to favor me, or for money, or to help someone who needs me etc.
9.You shall not covet your neighbor's house. nor wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything of your neighbor: means to be very careful with envy, because this leads us to want all of the other, and keep in mind that there is no envy good.
10. Remember to keep the Sabbath: Day means to glorify God.
Well Now check and see that you're falling in, so you can start to change.
Ok for now I hope you enjoyed it, leave me a comment not be stingy (a) ...
Soon we will see the third key, which we will call
Jesus Christ is God's solution to the sinner ...
But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners. Christ died for us. (Romans Chapter5, verse 8).
Ok, I get the third key ...
Jesus is God's solution to the sinner.
What does this mean?
I'll answer with a question, you know who Jesus Christ?
If your answer is, is the son of God ... yes, you're right, if you say he died on the cross, also right, if you say that was the son of the Virgin Mary, also right.
But know the meaning of Jesus is the beloved Son of God, who, by the disobedience of mankind, and to see the Lord he was missing his creation by sin, decided to send him, so that through him we find the salvation from eternal death.
I mean, I definitely JESUS is the only one who can help us clean up our mistakes, sins and offenses we have committed against God.
In the Bible you find in the next part ...
"Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." (John 14:6)
Here we have the bridge we needed ...
If sin had a huge chasm between the sinner and God, and with Jesus Christ, we need to find that bridge to get to Him
But beware, the fact that you know it, does not mean that because you handled everything, and you put in good standing with God, not at all.
You need to receive Jesus Christ personally, and this is what I will show in the next installment, this is the fourth key, which we call ...
YOU SHOULD RECEIVE Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior personally ...
The promise "Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if any man hear my voice and opens the door, I will come ...". (Revelation 3:20)
See you soon.
Hey leave a comment to see if you liked it or not.
Ok we go again ... but first.
Thank you Holy Father for allowing many people to see this message, and get a chance to find your way, Lord Bless and help them find you in the wonderful name of your beloved son Jesus Christ I ask Amen.
Ok we go to the fourth key, which we call ...
You need to receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior personally.
Well, as we saw and understood before, it's not enough to know that Jesus Christ is salvation, here we will learn how to receive Christ personally, give input in your life, and that He is the one who directs from now on everything are.
You know, do not reach to imagine how he felt when he died on the cross for your sins, but to give you an idea, look at the book of Isaiah in the Old Testament, in chapter 53, verse 5 says: But He was wounded for our transgressions, crushed for our sins, the price of our peace was upon Him
Now you can imagine little something for all you suffered for your save yourself, and the best thing you do not have to suffer, because the already done for you, and even better, not worth a dollar, it's completely free.
Are you ready to receive it in your heart and in your life? ... Well as we do, it's simple, we make the following prayer of faith, please Hasla heart and repeat after me ...
Lord Jesus Christ, blessed are you, I need you in my life, I ACKNOWLEDGE THAT died on the cross for me and for my sins, I ask you to come into my life as Lord and Savior, make of me the person You want me to be, and help me PROPOPOSITO REALIZE THAT GOD HAS FOR ME ... AMEN.
But as many as received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave power to become children of God (John, chapter 1, verse 12-13).
Now to start enjoying this great Father, we need to catch up with him.
We will ask forgiveness for our sins, and it'll show you in the next installment.
and call it REPENTANCE.
I hope you enjoyed it.
God bless you.
Come again ....
Holy Father, great and majestic are my God, I thank you for allowing me now to take your word for salvation thanks for every day you give me life, and I ask you sir, that this message of salvation and transformation is for your children you need, in the beautiful name which is above every name your son Jesus Christ I ask my God ... Amen.
Well, this part of the call ...
Remember that by nature we tend to sin and are slaves to the east by the disobedience of Adam.
Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man (Adam), and death through sin, and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned.
means that we bring this tendency to sin from our sources, but we'll end with that, because we receive Jesus Christ who is the you removed.
We ask you to dispose your heart to God, that you're going to do next is very important ...
First, find a place alone and kneel and bow your head symbol of humiliation before Him, that sin has been all your life.
Then what are you going to call and confess everything as follows ...
Holy Father, God, here I am Lord prostrate before you, because I have the need to be at peace with you, and I want to confess all the sins that I have committed against you, for I want your forgiveness and mercy, Forgive me Father for the sins I do not remember, and my sins are ... (here you tell all sins, try to remember everyone, if possible, here you will take some time, and after you finish then continues)
Father, I thank You for Your mercy, and THANK YOU MY LORD JESUS CHRIST HOLY CHILD WHY I'M IN PEACE FOR YOU, be blessed,
"Therefore if anyone is in Christ is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come "
But for this to happen you need to be in communion with God, and this is achieved through prayer.
And the next installment will be called ...
See you soon ...
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